Life Membership may be conferred upon an individual who has rendered a minimum of twenty years of faithful and contributory service to the Corporation or its predecessor; at least ten (10) of those years must be in a capacity as a Director or in a job appointed by the Directors. Life membership shall be recommended by the Board of Directors and then must be approved by the membership. There shall not be more than three (3) Life Members at any one time.
Mr. Wilfred "Doc" Cruickshank*
Mr. Wilfred "Doc" Cruickshank was one of three founding members of the W.O.A.A. He was well known throughout the region being the owner of CKNX Radio. Through the use of such facilities he provided many free hours of air time promoting sports. A firm believer in Minor Sports, an overall interest and organizational talent, he was instrumental in the formation of the original W.O.A.A. Executive and the first competitive league which was composed of seven hockey teams. With generosity and personal financial assistance, he provided the W.O.A.A. with a foundation on which to build. His devotion to the "Western" is known to be dedicated and incalculable.
Mr. Mervyn Lloyd L. "Tory" Gregg*
Mr. M. L. "Tory" Gregg was one of the founders of the W.O.A.A. and served as the first President, a position he held for eight years. His efforts can be best described as unending, for on many occasions he worked with diligence and perseverance. Mr. Gregg availed himself to amateur sports, taking a deep personal interest in every phase. His contribution to the "Western" can only be described as invaluable, and faithful.
Mr. Alfred "Alf" Lockridge*
Mr. Alfred "Alf" Lockridge was one of the founders of the W.O.A.A. His foresight and contribution in every phase was displayed through his keen interest and desire in co-ordinating inter-community competition associated with amateur sports. His first real task was the acceptance of the responsibility to act as both Business Manager and Secretary-Treasurer, a work load which increased with expansion and each season. Mr. Lockridge served "Amateur" sport in many capacities, never losing sight of the true competitive spirit and competition for the amateur. For 35 years, "Alf" provided a service which was frequently under very trying and difficult circumstances. In 1968 he retired as Business Manager and Secretary-Treasurer. On three subsequent instances he returned to serve in the same capacity, then continued attendance of meetings until his demise. His influence will undoubtedly prevail for many years throughout the W.O.A.A. Upon his initial retirement from the "Western", he was presented with a plaque inscribed in part which reads "For faithful, meritorious and dedicated service".
Mr. Hubert "Hugh" Hodges*
Mr. Hugh Hodges has been a tireless worker for the W.O.A.A. He became associated with the organization in 1959 and has since served on the Executive in every capacity including his two year term as President. He was one of the founders of the Huron-Perth Umpires Association. For Mr. Hodges no task ever given him was too challenging or too difficult. He has always completed the assignments, which were many, without complaint, and to a high standard. His contribution to the “Western” can be best described as faithful and dedicated.
Mrs. Donald “Joyce” McClure*
Mrs. Donald “Joyce” McClure has contributed greatly in supporting the W.O.A.A. She has accepted her responsibilities without hesitation, completing her assignments while ensuring a very high standard. Having served as a dedicated Executive member, she was elected the first female President in 1977. Since then she completes her assignments with special emphasis and interest in enhancing the referee’s program. She has devoted herself and skills in supporting the W.O.A.A.
Mr. William “Bill” DeHaan
Mr. William “Bill” DeHaan has been a dedicated supporter of the W.O.A.A. since 1980. He was selected to the Board in 1981 and served a term as President in 1985-86. He has always been active in the Softball programs and has been an umpire in the W.O.A.A. since the early eighties. He also has been active in the O.A.S.A. for many years and has been the Liaison to the W.O.A.A. for many years. Bill has been very active in the community of New Hamburg, Ontario, where he resides and always is there when asked to do trophy presentations, instruct umpire clinics and perform the task of a Past President in the presentation of Honour Awards; as well as facilitate during the yearly election of Officers. He has served the W.O.A.A. with pride and was selected as a Life Member at the Annual General Meeting of 2001.
Mr. David Black

Mr. Dave Black was the Recreation Director in Lucknow and served for many years as the Lucknow Minor Hockey Contact. He worked his way up to a Level 4 referee and officiated over a span of 30 years from the 1970’s to 2004. Dave served as Referee in Chief for Lucknow and became involved in the WOAA Referee Committee, first as a Supervisor and then as Committee Chairman. He was a Director on the WOAA Board from 1998 to 2004. In 2006 Dave was elected as president and served for the next 4 years. In 2010 he served as the Past President of the WOAA, a position he still held in 2021. Dave has also previously held the Chairman title for the Senior Hockey and Women’s Hockey. For the time leading up to the building of the new WOAA office, Dave served on the Capital Campaign Fundraising and Building Committees. He was selected as a Life Member in 2021.
Mr. David Garinger*

Mr. Dave Garinger’s involvement with the WOAA originated in the late 1980’s when he served as the Wiarton center contact and was also appointed as a WOAA convener. In 2000 Dave was appointed as the Novice Convenor. In 1996 Dave was elected to the WOAA Board of Directors and in 2006 he filled in as president for a short term. He also served as 2nd Vice President for a year and was elected as 1st Vice from 2004 to 2021. In 2001, Dave started a 20 year run as WOAA Minor Hockey Chairman as well as the OMHA Regional Executive Member for this area. During the tenure he served and chaired on virtually every OMHA Committee, including a long standing appointment to development both at the OMHA and OHF levels. Dave was also involved in Softball being the WOAA Midget convener as well as a carded umpire. He also worked on the WOAA Capital Campaign Fundraising Committee from 2002 to 2007. As part of the WOAA 75th Anniversary Celebrations in 2017, Dave was named as one of the WOAA Community Sports Builders. Dave was selected as a WOAA Life Member in 2021.